slot gacor

Education for Development gets consolidated among the Elderly in Castilla León

On the basis of a training with a South approach and in order to make visible the reality of the elderly during the pandemic, particularly in developing countries, our project included a program of activities aimed at promoting the functional capacity of people over 65 years of age living in rural areas of Castilla y León; promoting non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes based on age among younger generations of this Community; supporting the inter-generational dialogue on the 2030 Agenda goals and targets in relation to the situation of vulnerability of the countries of the South; and raising awareness among older and younger people about the reality of the impoverished countries.

These activities were intended for different audiences in the urban and rural areas of Castilla Léon and sought to establish a social and emotional bond between people of different ages, and for our society to take on the motto “Leave no one behind” as its own. All of this is based on knowledge about the causes and effects of the lack of development in the older population of the most disadvantaged regions in the planet. In addition, this project also aims to contribute to achieving the goals set out in the “Decade of Healthy Aging”, a campaign promoted globally by the WHO. This population sector was reached out as well by means of exhibitions on the SDGs and the countries of the South which were transferred to the towns of Cuéllar, Medina del Campo, and Medina de Rioseco. This material was also exhibited in other spaces of rural areas of Castilla y León, such as Toro, Carbajales de Alba, Alcañices, and Villarín de Campos, all of them in the province of Zamora.